Swiss Radiopharmacy Day 2025, 21st of March 2025



Registration is now open!

Registration deadline is the 5th of March 2025. 

A preliminary PROGRAM is now available, submitted abstracts can be found here.

Please use the button below to register and the then directly pay your registration fee using the payslip provided here: Download Payslip

Registration fee 80.- CHF for members; 100.- CHF for non-members 

Your registration will only be valid once you paid the registration fee. 

Information for sponsors: Different from the previous years, this time there will be no opportunity to present sponsoring materials on a booth. Instead, sponsors will have the opportunity to advertise their company and products in a 3‐minute video, which will be shown to the attendees in the main sessions before the breaks. You find more detailed information here: Sponsoring RPH Day

We are looking forward to seeing you!
SGRRC Committee

CLICK on the button below to register. 


Veranstaltungs Informationen
Date 21.03.2025 - 21.03.2025
Category congress 
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